There are so many terms for getting out into nature and moving around on your own two feet.
The term you’re most familiar with may depend on your location, and there are some fairly country-specific terms such as tramping (New Zealand), rambling (UK), and bushwalking (Australia). There are also some that can end up in confusion: if a Brit is invited by an American backpacking, they might be surprised to learn that they’ve signed up to hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and not a gap-year in Thailand!
On top of this there’s a fair amount of subjectivity about what people consider is encapsulated by each term. One person’s stroll, is another person’s hike, and possibly someone else’s nightmare!
This presents us with a bit of challenge when it comes to succinctly explaining what exactly it is that Talanoa Treks does. Not for the first time, I heard myself recently refer to “proper hiking” for our walks in Fiji.
For trampers, trekkers, hikers, walkers, ramblers or backpackers that like to do their homework, we hope they find all the information they need on either our website, our FAQs or in the info packs that we email to everyone booking on.
However, there are also plenty of people who don’t want their holiday planning to involve sifting through pages of detailed information. In recognition of this we’re working on a better way to visually classify our treks, so it’s easier to tell whether a trek is for you.
It’s also great when journalists write articles and guests write TripAdvisor reviews that tells it like it is. For a recent write-up of our Tomaniivi climb and Cross Highland Hike check out Andrew’s account of his hike with us in Traveller.
The journalist Andrew Bain joined us in June 2019 for a climb of Fiji’s highest mountain, Mt Tomaniivi, and then trekked our Cross Highland Hike.