Epic Trails taster footage released

Last October, Epic Trails host, Eric Hanson and director of photography, Lukasz Warzecha spent 6 days with Talanoa Treks’ community guides undertaking almost all of our treks. The show is due out later in 2018, but they have just released this fantastic snippet of drone footage as a taster.

For this, Epic Trails’ first season they filmed in Jordan, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Peru and Fiji, exploring the people, places and adventures surrounding top trails in each country.

When asked what his favourite country was last year, writing on Instagram Eric says his go-to response is: “Fiji. I was so surprised by it. Fiji’s combination of natural beauty, rich culture, super-friendly people, and delicious food, make it a great destination for anyone”. He goes on to say, “It was a tough place to film with the humidity and rain, but it was so much fun. I can’t wait to see how the episode we filmed will come together”. Neither can we!

During their time in Fiji, Eric and Lukasz completed our Full Monty and tagged on Mt Batilamu from our Three Peak Challenge. They also visited our friends at the Drua Experience. To book your own adventure start by checking out our trek schedule for 2018. Epic Trails airs on Outside TV in the US. Many thanks to Tourism Fiji for making this possible!