We’ve always tried to minimise our use of single-use plastics, and worked to recycle those that we do. But, this is not enough.
So in 2019, Talanoa Treks is going single-use plastic free!
Our first target is our guests and guides use of plastic bottles. Hiking in a tropical country is thirsty work and we need to ensure guests and guides are hydrating properly and have at least 3 litres carrying capacity on our longer hikes. We have encouraged reusable bottles and hydration packs but plastic water bottles have been the backup option for an easy way to carry safe drinking water in our cars and in our backpacks.
This year we’ve invested in Lifestraw Community water filtration systems for each of our parter communities, in partnership with the German Government, to ensure that there’s a safe, secure source of drinking water at each of our overnight stays, from which guests and guides can refill drinking bottles or hydration packs.
We’ve also purchased a set of good quality reusable 1.5-litre water bottles for our community guides to use during hikes, and through our pre-trip info packs we will be encouraging guests to think about how they carry water during their time with us and in Fiji.
Our second target for going plastic free, is plastic used in food wrapping. We source roti parcels from our partner communities and have snacks available for hikers needing an energy boost! We’re looking in to options from bee’s wax wrapping cloth to sourcing local snacks that can be packaged in reusable or biodegradable containers.
If you’re joining us on a trip, and spot something we’ve missed, if you’re a supplier of local snacks or eco-packaging, or if you have any ideas for how we can go plastic free and minimise our footprint on the planet… please just let us know. Happy plastic-free hiking!